Chairman’s Profile

Dr. Sushil JainDr. Sushil Jain was born in Rajasthan, India but grew up in Kentucky.  He is a well-recognized retired Naval Officer.  He served as commanding officer for Washington Navy Yard Hospital and Director of Medicine at Naval Hospital Bethesda.  In addition, he served as an eye care consultant to The White House & the U.S. Capitol where he cared for nation’s leaders including past three presidents, Vice Presidents and their family members.  He received many civil and military honors including highest Awards known as “Meritorious Service Medal” and “Legion of Merit” from President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush for Exemplary outstanding military services.  He retired from U.S. Navy in 2003.Dr Jain’s superior leadership and management skills have resulted in many accomplishments to promote JSMW, JAINA and Jainism in North America.  Following are just few examples:  He was instrumental in passing of Public Law 5202 (Vegetarian School Lunch Program).  A program design to provide plan based meal option to all school children. He organized two legislative conference on Capitol Hill to promote peace, Non-violence and live help live subjects.  Dr. Jain was also instrumental in President Obama celebrating Diwali annually.  In April 2012, JAINA and its partners were organizing White House Dharma conference.

In cooperation with PCRM he actively lobbied to protect the animals from being used for surgical training by Department of Defense.  This initiative also demands to build sanctuaries funded by federal Government for retired animals after being used for research. Dr. Jain’s lobbing to U.N. ambassadors to gain consultant NGO status for JAINA.

Dr. Jain’s compassionate nature is evidenced by conducting over 20 medical camps in India, Central America and Haiti.  Under his direction JAINA has initiated a multi prong approach to reduce poverty by education among Jains’ in India.  He is currently in private practice and associate professor for Uniformed University Medical School.  His wife, Asha is a Dietitian and Diabetic educator for Walter Reed National Medical Center.