We are very pleased to announce and invite you and your family to participate in 2 maha poojans which will be held on Saturday, April 29th and Sunday April 30th at Jain Center starting at Vijay Muhoorat 12:39 p.m. and will run about 4-5 hours. Poojan will be performed by Niravbhai Sanghvi (Late Babubhai Kadiwala’s Grandson).
To take laabh of any of the poojans, please contact Jigar Shah (Cell: 425-829-0311) or Rakhi Shah (Cell: 515-441-0984).
Both of these Poojans will be followed by Swami Vatsalya Dinner. Please submit your RSVP for Swami Vatsalya Dinner, one for each event, latest by midnight, Tuesday, April 25th, 2017, by clicking the following link(s):
You can sponsor this Swami Vatsalya Bhojan by donating a minimum amount of $101 (Sadharmic Bhakti Bronze). Other sponsorship options include $251 (Silver), $501 (Gold), $1,001 (Platinum), and $1,501 (Diamond) levels.
Brief description of Girnar 99 Prakaari Pooja:
This Puja has been created by Aacharya shri Hem Vallabh Vijayji Maharaj Saheb. It is a poetic creation to worship “Girnar Mahatirth.” There are eleven sub-Pujas in this “Navaannu Prakaari puja.” In each puja, there is a historical count of Nine (9) names by which this tirth is known.
Aacharyaji has described the visits of countless liberated souls to this auspicious place and attainment of MOKSH. The narration in this puja also tells us about renovation/restoration of this tirth place (Jirnodhdhar) by many great souls of ‘Shravak, Shravikas, Merchants and Kings.’ It also talks about changes in size (area) of this tirth with changes in time cycle. But it reiterates the ETERNITY (shashvat state) of this tirth.
Sign-up opportunities during Girnar 99 Prakaari Puja:
The Bhav yatra will start with Snatra followed by Navaannu Prakaari Puja (Total of 11 pujas, Nakaro for each Puja per family is $101, maximum 2 family per puja): Aarti (Ghee boli), Mangal divo (Ghee boli), Shanti Kalash (Ghee boli), and Chaitya Vandan. After each Pooja, the sponsor will get the laabh of AstaPrakari Pooja.
Background and Benefits of Siddhachakra Maha Poojan:
Siddhachakra Poojan is the oldest and king of all the Poojans. The Siddhachakra Yantra is the most auspicious and versatile mystical diagram in the Jain religion. ‘Siddha’ means liberated soul and ‘chakra’ means freedom from karmic bondages. ‘Yantra’ means a mystical diagram. When one worships the Siddhachakra Yantra, one’s soul becomes liberated from karmic bondage’s.
The rationale behind performing this poojan (worship) is usually to gain either intense happiness or good physical health alongside the karmic benefits of performing any Jain pooja. Both of these efficiencies are chartered by the King Shripal and Queen Mayanasundri story. The Yantra depicts the whole Jain Dharma, the principle nine elements (Nav Pad) and the protective deities. The main section is in the form of an auspicious pitcher (Kalash). It has two main components: the first is the core, Nav Pad, which consists of circles 1 and 3, and represents the standard (stand-alone) Siddhachakra, which is commonly used in poojas. The second main component is the protective rings of deities. The focus on these protectors makes the worldly benefits of the Siddhachakra more understandable and attractive.
Here is a brief description of various poojas and details of labh i.e. either Boli or Narka. Following Labhs include pooja to be performed on Yantra as well as Mandalu.
Pooja Number | Poojan Name | Significance | Boli/Nakra | Taken |
1 | Khsetrapal & Arihantpad Poojan | Arihant means the one who has conquered the inner enemies such as anger, greed, ego and deceit. He is the enlightened soul who teaches the world the path of liberation. | $301 | Taken |
2 | Siddhpad Poojan | Siddha means ‘liberated souls.’ They are the liberated souls who have obtained Moksh. | $201 | Taken |
3 | Acharyapad Poojan | Acharya means ‘spiritual master.’ He is the preceptor and leader of the Sangh (community). He has taken Diksha and is the leader of all Sadhus. | $201 | Taken |
4 | Upadyaypad Poojan | Upadhaya means ‘spiritual teacher.’ He is a person with religious knowledge who teaches others. He has taken Diksha. | $201 | Taken |
5 | Sadhupad Poojan | Sadhu means ‘monk.’ They have taken Diksha and are led by an Acharya.> | $201 | |
6 | Darshan pad Poojan | Darshan means ‘Right Faith.’ | $201 | Taken |
7 | Gyanpad Poojan | Gyan means ‘Right Knowledge.’ | $201 | Taken |
8 | Charitrapad Poojan | Charitra means ‘Right Conduct.’ | $201 | Taken |
9 | Tappad Poojan | Tap means ‘Right Austerities.’ | $201 | Taken |
10 | Svarvarg Anahat Poojan | This poojan is performed to obtain power from the different letters used in Jain religion. | $201 | |
11 | Labdhipad Poojan | Gautamswami (First Gandhar of Mahavirswami Bhagwan) had 48 different types of special powers (labdhis) that he could use. For example, using the sun’s rays as a way to go somewhere, flying in the sky and using his thumb to provide food (as much as is required). By doing these poojans we are trying to gain these special powers within us, provided we are capable of achieving them. | 4 sets of Boli (1 set is 12 Labdhi Pooja) | |
12 | Gurupadukapad Poojan | This is to show respect to all our Guru Bhagwants (Jain Monks). | $101 | Taken |
13 | Adhistyak Poojan | By performing this poojan, we are asking for help from Adhishtayak Devs (God) and Devis (Goddess) of Jain religion and Siddhachakra Yantra to be be virtually present during the Poojan to protect us from any evils. | $101 | Taken |
14 | Jayadevi Poojan | This poojan is performed to attract energy and power from all the 8 different directions. | $101 | |
15 | Vidyadevi Poojan | This poojan helps to gain the 16 different types of knowledge (Vidya), which are necessary during the course of your life. This poojan is specifically performed by unmarried young girls as it helps them gain present and future knowledge. | Boli | |
16 | Yax Poojan | This poojan is performed for the Adishtayak Devs of all 24 present Tirthankars. | $101 | |
17 | Yaxini Poojan | This poojan is performed for the Adishtayak Devis of all 24 present Tirthankars. | $101 | |
18 | Dwarpal – Veer Poojan | This poojan is performed so that the 4 Dwarpals (guards) and 4 Veers can protect the 4 Yantra doors (entries) from bad energy particles. | $101 | |
19 | Dash Dikpal Poojan | This poojan is performed to stop any of evil impact of the 9 Grahas from the 10 different directions. | $101 | |
20 | Navgrah Poojan | This poojan is performed to destroy any of the 9 Grahas (evils) that might be obstacles in your life like Surya, Chandra, Shani etc. This is a Jyotish Chakra, and based on it, you might be facing life and death situations, good and bad times. | Boli | |
21 | Navnidhi Poojan | This poojan is performed to gain any of the 9 Nidhis (Wealth/Treasure), which are gained by Chakravarti (Emperors) after they win the 6 kingdoms. Some of them are precious stones and diamonds, clothes, etc and as a result the King will never have shortage of any of these items. | Boli | |
22 | Bhootbali Poojan | This poojan is performed to satisfy other Dev’s who might become an obstacle for this kind of Poojans. | $101 | |
23 | Abhishek | This is performed to discard all the bad energy particles and obtain the good | Reserved for Sponsors | |
24 | Asthprakari Pooja | Eight different rituals are performed using the following: jal (water), Chandan (sandalwood paste), Pushpa (flowers), dhoop (incense), deepak (light), akshat (rice), naivedya (sweets), and fal (fruits). | Boli | |
25 | 108 Diva Aaarti | Aarti is performed to free ourselves from the miserable cycle of material world. We need to detach ourselves from all worldly attachments as the five supreme beings (Panch Parmeshthi) have done so. To pay our spiritual tribute to these five Panch Parmeshthi, we light up five Deepaks, and mentally contemplate that “I want to also give up all worldly attachments, and want to initiate myself (take Dikshä) to become a Sädhu (or Sädhvi) to free myself from four Sämsarik destinies and to attain the fifth and most important destiny, Moksha. | Boli | |
26 | Mangal Divo | We should mentally contemplate while performing Mangal Divo that “I want to enlighten my inner Dipak (self) just like this Mangal Divo by attaining the perfect knowledge, Keval Gyan by practicing the path of Moksha as expounded by Tirthankars. | Boli | |
27 | Shanti Kalash | This is performed to proclaim peace and harmony across the world, starting from yourself and it is performed at the end of every Poojan. | Boli |
Brief bio of Shri Niravbhai Kadiwala:
Shri Niravbhai Kadiwala is from Mumbai and is the grandson of renounced Vidhikar Shri Babubhai Kadiwala. He was born and brought up in a highly religious family and is specialized in performing different pujans like Siddhchakra pujan, Chintamani Parswanath pujan, Arhat pujan and as Girnar Sadhak is deeply involved in performing Shri Girnarji Navvanuprakari puja and Bhavyatra. He has visited many centers in USA, UK, Singapore and India. As a music lover since childhood, he contributes all his energy while performing bhakti, puja, pujan and yatra. Please come listen to his melodious voice during Girnar BhavYatra Pooja at our Jain Center.